Monday 28 January 2013

Chapter 18

1) What did national parties often do to maintain national unity in regards to the slavery issue?
2) What was the impact of the Mexican War on the slavery issue?
3) What were the beliefs of the Free Soil Party?
4) What does the term "popular sovereignty" mean?
5) What was the key issue in the election of 1848?
6) What event brought turmoil to the presidency of Zachary Taylor?
7) What type of people went to California?
8) Why did the Free Soilers condemn slavery?
9) Who was Harriet Tubman?  What did she do?
10) What was Calhoun's plan to protect the South?
11) What were the terms of the Compromise of 1850?  Reaction from North and South?
12) How was slavery impacted by the push for a transcontinental railroad?
13) How did Douglas propose to address slavery in Kansas and Nebraska?

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