Wednesday 26 September 2012

The War that Made America PART II

Events covered in PART II 

1755 William Johnson and Iroquois council fire 
1755 The Bloody Morning Scout and Battle of Lake George 
1758 Capture of Mary Jemison 
1755-1758 Virginia Regiment led by George Washington patrols the frontier 
1755 New Englanders demand enlistment terms; British command sees shades of rebellion 
1756 Montcalm meets Indian allies 
1756 Mary Jemison’sadoption into the Seneca nation 
1755-1758 Removal of the Acadians from Nova Scotia 
1757 French capture Ft. Oswego and Ft. William Henry; 
Montcalm frays allegiance with Indian allies 

Study Questions to Answer 

1) How did captive taking hurt and help Indians in the French and Indian War? 
2) Why were the Acadians removed from Nova Scotia by the British? 
3) How did lack of cultural understanding increase tensions between allies and shape the progress of the French and Indian War? 
4) Compare Johnson and Montcalm’s attitudes towards the Natives.
5) List all the important people in Part II and what they do. 

Monday 24 September 2012

The French and Indian War

Events covered in Part I:

Date Events Covered 
1752-1754 Virginia parleys with Tanaghrisson to build trading post; 
Washington’s trek to Ft. Le Boeuf 
1754 French expel Virginians who built a small fort at the Forks of the Ohio 
1754 Incident at Jumonville Glen 
1754 Capitulation of Ft. Necessity 
1754 Iroquois neutrality 
1754-1755 France and Great Britain prepare for war 
1755 Braddock’s Expedition and the Battle of the Monongahela 

Study Questions for Documentary:

1)What was the significance of the Forks of the Ohio to each of the competing groups? 
2)Why would the British be concerned by the French forts west of the Appalachian Mountains? 
3)Which Indians had claims to land at the Forks of the Ohio?
4) List important individuals in this segment.
5) What qualities did George Washington display as a young military leader? Which of these helped him succeed in his military career?

6) Why was the Ohio Valley of particular importance to the French?
7) Why would they fear British control of this region?
8) Why did the British colonies covet this land?
9) Why did Indians claim this land as theirs?
10) How would the French ships have brought supplies to Fort Duquesne?
11) Why was Fort Duquesne strategically important?

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Thursday and Friday's Assignments

Thursday 9/20

Finish Chapter 5 in The American Pageant and the study questions for this chapter.

Friday 9/21

Read Zinn chapter 5.   We will discuss your reading on Monday.  Beware of a journal assignment coming.

Chapter 5 Study Questions

Colonial Society on the Eve of the Revolution

1) What was the speed at which the colonies were growing by the American Revolution?
2) What was the impact of this growth in population?
3) What was the view of the Scots-Irish towards the English government?
4) What was the largest non-English ethnic group in the Americas by 1775?
5) What was the diversity of population in each of the three colonial regions?
6) How did the British react when several state legislatures attempted to restrict the importation of slaves?
7) What profession led the political agitation before the Revolution?
8) What was the basis of the American economic activity before the Revolution?
9) What was the least important economic activity before the Revolution?
10) Why did American merchants come to resent the British during the 1700s?
11) What was the status of transportation during the colonial period?
12) What was the purpose of the Molasses Act of 1733?  Why was this an important change in policy?
13) Why were American taverns important during the colonial era?
14) What were the two major religions in America prior to the Revolution?
15) How did religion in the 1700s compare to religion in the 1600s in America?
16) What was the Great Awakening?
17) Who were some of the leaders of the Great Awakening?
18) What were some of the results of the Great Awakening?
19) What was the status of education in the colonies prior to the Revolution?
20) What was the background and impact of the Zenger trial?
21) What political principle did Americans come to cherish in the 1700s?
22) How did colonial legislatures come to control governors in the seventeenth century?
23) Who usually had the right to vote prior to the Revolution?

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Tuesday 9/18

Reading chapter 5 of The American Pageant

Study questions will be posted soon!

Thursday 13 September 2012

Chapter 4

History Chapter 4: STUDY QUESTIONS. 

1)   What were a few of the notable characteristics of Chesapeake life in the seventeenth century?
2)   What was indentured servitude?  How did it work?
3)   What colony had the most people by 1700?
4)   What was most often the outcome for indentured servants in the 1600?
5)   What was Bacon’s Rebellion? 
6)   Why did the American reliance on African slaves increase after 1680?
7)   How would the typical colonial New England family be described?
8)   How did New England society expand?
9)   What caused the Salem Witch Trials? 
10) How did New England impact the settlement of the rest of the United States? 

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Wednesday 9/12

We will finish "Massacre at Mystic" and answer the questions on the documentary as a group.

HW: Finish chapter 4 in The American Pageant.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Massacre at Mystic

Today we will watch a documentary called, "Massacre at Mystic".  You have some study questions with this documentary so please take notes.

HW: Read 1/2 of Chapter 4 of THE AMERICAN PAGEANT (to the Salem Witch Trials).

Tuesday 4 September 2012

13 Colonies/Zinn Chapter 2

Today we will go over your study questions from last week.  We will also discuss Zinn and what you picked up from reading Zinn.  Finally, in a group you will outline the first 13 colonies and post the following information:

1) When was the colony founded?
2) Why was it founded?
3) Who were it's leaders?
4) What was the prominent religion of the colony?
5) What was the prominent source of income for the colony?
6) List major towns of the early colony.
7) List any significance self-government names (example: The House of Burgesses).

There will be a quiz this week.  Below are some questions you should be able to answer:

Things to Know

Things to Know
Questions for Study
Here are questions you should consider for the first quiz next week.

1) What was Columbus looking for?
2) Why was a passage to India important for European countries to find?
3) How did the crusades change European and how did it lead to the exploration of the "New World"?
4) How did tobacco change the course of America (particularly the Virginia colony)?
5) Discuss the rise of self-government in America (make sure you note the House of Burgesses, the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut).
6) How did religion play an essential role in the shaping of the early colonies?
7) Discuss why early colonists came to America (the various reasons - begin to relate these to the American Dream and the American Character).
8) What was the Great Migration?
9) Why did the English want the Dutch out of New Amsterdam?
10) Where the 1st Europeans to the Americas "Explorers" or "Invaders"? Please justify your answer.
11) How did the English distance the relationship between indentured whites and black slaves? Why did they fear a relationship between the two?
12) Please to list at least six colonies and why they were formed (and by what settlers).
13) Know the following people: John Rolfe, John Smith, John Winthrop, Anne Hutchinson, Roger Williams, William Bradford, John Wheelright, Jacques Marquette, Samuel de Champlain, Squanto, Samoset.
14) What is the difference between the Separatists and Puritians?
15) Why were women brought to Virginia in 1619?
16) When did the 1st Africans come to the English colonies? Where? What was the purpose of importing them (be specific)?
17) According to Zinn why were Africans easier to force into labor than Native Americans or poor white immigrants?
18) What were the first 13 colonies?
19) What was important about the Spanish Armada?
20) List the first three colonies in North America, the current United States (note: two are Spanish).
21) When was Quebec founded?